My Father,
I could never have sought my happiness in thy love, unless thou had'st first loved me.
Thy Spirit has encouraged me by grace to seek thee, has made known to me thy reconciliation in Jesus, has taught me to believe it, has helped me to take thee for my God and portion.
May he grant me to grow in the knowledge and experience of thy love,
and walk in it all the way to glory.
Blessed for ever be thy fatherly affection,
which chose me to be one of thy children by faith in Jesus:
I thank thee for giving me the desire to live as such.
In Jesus, my brother, I have my new birth, every restraining power, every renewing grace.
It is by they Spirit I call thee Father, believe in thee, love thee;
Let the Spirit continually reveal to me my interest in Christ,
May he abide in me that I may know my union with Jesus,
and enter into constant fellowship with him;
By the Spirit may I daily live to thee,
rejoice in thy love,
find it the same to me as to thy Son,
and become rooted and grounded in it as a house on a rock;
I know but little--
increase my knowledge of thy love in Jesus,
keep my pressing forward for clearer discoveries of it,
so that I may find its eternal fullness;
Magnify thy love to me according to its greatness,
and not according to my deserts or prayers,
and whatever increase thou givest, let it draw out greater love to thee.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Back to the Basics
Friday, October 2, 2009
Intro to New Media Project
Although this isn't my normal kind of blog post, I just wanted to let you know what was going on in the Life of Richard. I'm in a class at Crossroads that is about New Media and this is an introduction to my semester project. It will be a video (not one of me, but a video nonetheless) about why we need Biblical Counseling available at all churches. The truth is that we are all messed up by sin and we will be getting advice and counseling from somewhere and if it is not Biblical, we need to evaluate where it's from. So stay tuned here for updates on that and how that is coming along.
P.S. I do think that I will have a more normal blog post by this weekend. . .
Friday, September 18, 2009
Beautiful. . .
So these weddings were amazing. One was Sara and Ryan who got married about a month ago now and the other was a friend who I went to college with for a year. Both weddings were beautiful and showcased God and His design for us along with the covenant of marriage. As I sat there at the second wedding, my thoughts turned to the first couple, Adam and Eve.
The first chapter and a half of the Bible is God creating and everything being good. God makes something and sees that it is good. He makes something else and that was good. Moving forward to Genesis 2:18, "Then the LORD God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.'" So now we see that everything up until this point has been good and beautiful and right, but then we see that this one thing, for man to be alone, is not good. So to remedy this, God brings all the animals and we see in verse 20, "The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him." I think God knew this was coming. I don't think he was crossing His fingers saying "Oh man I hope Adam finds something as a suitable helper!" He is God. But because he did this what happens next becomes more beautiful.
After seeing that something to be done, God did one of the most beautiful things ever. "So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.Then the man said,
'This at last is bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man.'
(Genesis 2:21-23)
How beautiful is this scene. God sees that it is not good for man to be alone, and He creates this counterpart for the man. Not that He was forced to, not that He had to, but out of overflowing love and joy within God, He created the woman. He could see right from the start that man couldn't do it alone and needed a helper.
We see this distorted all the time, where the man takes this idea to an unhealthy level and marriage is essentially signing the woman into servitude. On the other side, we see this distorted by an overbearing woman who the Bible says "Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife" (Proverbs 21:9) and "A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day" (Proverbs 27:15) But neither of these are what God had designed in the Garden. We live in a broken world and those things God made beautiful are now tainted by our depravity.
So now what? How do we take this thing that was beautiful and then was destroyed, how do we make it beautiful again? This relationship between husbands and wives, like everything else, now needs to be reconciled. Paul addresses this in Ephesians 5.
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."
Here we see Genesis 2 being lived out. She comes alongside and helps (cause we all know he can't do it alone). He loves, cherishes, and leads her, not lording it over her. There is mutual love, respect, honor, and it is beautiful again.
I know that this is the way it is supposed to be now and therefore not easy at all, but that doesn't dismiss these commands.
Paul in this passage ends with the conclusion of the Genesis 2 passage, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed." (Genesis 2:24-25)
I know I am not married, but I see this being lived out in the lives of those around me and I see the beauty that God made it to be and it makes me smile and hope for my future. See, when you don't have something, you want it. Once you get it, and have been married to it for a while, it can loose it's beauty in your eyes. Please don't let it do that. If you are married, please take time to tell your spouse how special they are to you. Please don't forget how beautiful God made this thing. Live out how He commanded you to and show those of us who aren't married that not only is it possible, but that it is beautiful. . .
Monday, August 31, 2009
My Bad. . .
Life has been eventful, but since my blog has been my journal, I couldn't exactly tell you all that has happened, you'll just have to trust me. It has been a rather dry time spiritually, but that was my fault. God had some stuff that He wanted to deal with in my life and I tried to barter with Him (To hear some great sermons on that, check out the "Games People Play" series (3 Parts) by Pastor Matt Chandler - ). Anyway, I finally dealt with that last week and God has been powerful to show me more areas in my life where I need to take more steps toward Him and away from my flesh.
For those of you who haven't seen a "RedBox" DVD rental place, it is a brilliant idea. You rent a movie for a day for a dollar. If you have it for 2 days, it is $2. If you keep it for another day, $3, and on and on (That is all kind of a sidenote. This story isn't about that, just a heads up for inexpensive movie rentals). Well after going to Kroger with a friend, I grabbed a movie from RedBox (the first time I had ever done that) that she had just seen and told me how brilliant it was. The movie was "I Love You, Man" and it was brilliant. I remember seeing the trailer several months ago and thinking of how good a movie it would be. When it came out, it was rated R, prettymuch for language and some sexual references. I thought, how bad can it be, right?
The movie was great. I loved the storyline and the acting was incredible. If you know me at all, you know that I'm a "Bromance" guy, that my guy friends are like brother to me and that I love them. This movie mirrored my life at certain points and the comedy was hilarious. I highly recommend this movie. . . . .when it comes to TV in a few years. There were a few scenes and conversations (and a ton of language) that they could have done without and because of all that, as good as it was, I couldn't enjoy this movie. I can deal with a little language here and there, but this was too much for me to handle.
I watched it on Saturday and on Sunday at church, my pastor mentioned a blog post he wrote a while back called "Inches Become Miles" (check it out here - In this post, which I highly recommend, he talked about a similar experience with a movie he had. . . "And that got me thinking…how often do we allow Satan to pull us away from the Lord little by little? The problem is that when we ease up on our values just a little bit, that allowance then becomes our new “normal”. When we give in a little on that new norm, we are now two steps away from our original starting point. A slight adjustment again moves us farther away from our “true north” and we seem to get lost. On and on it goes. Inch after inch becomes a mile over time." Now I'm not going to say that all rated R movies are bad and that you can't watch them, but I will press you on the fact that we become desensitized to stuff the more we are around it. Things that would have bugged us a few years ago are now normal and one day the stuff that bugs us now we won't even notice anymore. Unless we see it now, and change it.
In the end for me, it isn't about rated R movies and swearing on TV, I just want to be and look more like Jesus. I want my life to be one of holiness and to take another step in this long process of sanctification. I want to become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's promptings in my life. I'm not doing this so that God'll love me, because He already does and He can't love me any more, I'm doing this so that my love for Him will show in obedience. I dunno who we're kidding when we can say that we love Him without obeying Him, but that's another blog for another day. . .
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Good News vs. Religion: Old Habits Die Hard. . .
Friday, May 22, 2009
. . .In San Francisco
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Hard Left Turn
So God has been teaching me a lot. A lot. I have been thinking about sin. Mostly my sin, but other’s also. To be honest it usually starts at my sinful looking at other’s sin and then being convicted of my own. He has gone through and started taring down my ideas and pre-conceived notions of Christianity since I have been a Christian for most of my life. There is way too much religion and not enough good news of Jesus in today’s Christianity. I get angry at “Christian T.V”, radio, music, and most of whatever has the term Christian in front of it because in the words of Matt Chandler, “they have hijacked Christianity” and I have been thinking about how little the Gospel has to do with Christianity anymore. I am guilty of this too as we all are.
It was a Matt Chandler sermon that has spoken to me, I have forced about half a dozen people to listen to it and will continue to until everyone hears this 3 part sermon series on sex. Even though they are entitled “Sex” it is about way more than sex. It is about God’s redemption, the rhythm of love, the mingling of souls, and the wilderness. You, whoever you are, need to listen to these sermons (
I don’t want to give away the sermon, but at the end of the first one, he talks about the story in John 8 where the Pharisees bring the women caught in adultery to Jesus and prepare to stone her. To make the story short, He calls out for the one who is without sin to cast the first stone. They all left, Jesus picks her up and said to her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more." Here Matt goes in another direction, but what smacked me is that Jesus was the one without sin. He had every right to condemn her and yet, he had compassion.
That is mind-blowing. I have been thinking about this for the past several hours and cannot get it out of my mind. Matt puts it into infinitely better words than I do, but I am seeing in my own life that I am too quick to judge. I am seeing that I don’t have Jesus’ eyes. I am seeing that I need His grace and I need to show his grace to others. I need to forgive because I have been forgiven. A LOT. I need to help other and not condemn them based on what they have or haven’t done. God really does meet us where we are and cannot love us anymore that what He already has. I’m seeing that I’m that sinner thrown down in front of Jesus and am completely worthy of the stoning that I should receive but am completely unworthy of the grace that He shows.
The most beautiful part is that at the end, he tells her to go, not in condemnation, but with peace. He loves the unlovely. He chooses the worthless things and gives them worth. He picks up the broken pieces, binds, and then heals.
The song that is (or was playing) on this blog is “Give me your eyes” by Brandon Heath. Give it a chance. It has hit me at the same time as this sermon and it brings peace to my soul. . .
Once again, the place to get those sermons is: