Thursday, December 25, 2008

O Holy Night. . .


What a great God we serve! He was not content to let us die in our sins, but sent Jesus to reconcile mankind to Himself. It is something that is beautiful, but at the same time mysterious. Why would He choose to save us when we have nothing within us that is of worth to Him? Why would He offer grace to men who have committed every sin and defilement imaginable? Why would He send us the most precious gift we could ever hope for? 

LOVE. It is the deepest mystery that we will ever ponder, and no matter how hard we try, we will never see why, but this just means we should worship Him all the more. As "O Holy Night" suggests, we need to fall on our knees in adoration of our Saviour and our God. As you, hopefully, spend time with your family and friends, remember to fall on your knees and Thank God for the greatest gift ever, Jesus. 

Have a Blessed Christmas. . .

Lyrics to Ponder: O Holy Night

Sunday, December 14, 2008

ummm. . yeah, no

So yeah, I'm about to embark on one of the most difficult scholastic week of my life with all my finals, so I'm not going to be able to post this week. What I am going to ask of you fine citizens is the pray for me. As I told a friend this weekend, I have ADD on crack right now (for those of you who don't understand that analogy, I can't focus for anything), so please be in prayer for that. At the end of this week, I shall be departing the humble midwest and go back out west to the Beautiful, Warm, San Francisco for a couple of weeks. I will update you later this week. Thank you. You guys rock. . .

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Apologies & Flying papers

If I have learned one thing since getting to Indianapolis (I pray that I've learned more than 1 thing in 2.5 years) it is Tony Dungey's saying about getting things done. "No Excuses. No Explanations." Just do what you say you are going to do. Here I feel like a politician (I am the President) I guess, but no excuses. It has almost been 2 weeks, and these videos dont take THAT long to record. To be honest though, things are winding down in school and much of my focus has been there. And I did go on vacation for a week of that and Thanksgiving was in there (which I had 3 dinners that weekend, which didnt leave much time for this), but these are not excuses, this is just me filling you in.
This is also me saying, I won't promise another one in this post. I promise I will post again (Lord willing), but I can't give you an exact time frame. It should be less than almost 2 weeks, but once again, not going to promise. . . . . .ok it will be less than 2 weeks. promise.  Until then, enjoy and comment to your heart's content. Thank you once again for supporting me and taking interest in my kind of odd and very unbelievable life.
In closing, I did want to say that God really is good. Since I didn't post over Thanksgiving, this should kinda be that too. I know that I am blessed beyond recognition. Every morning I wake up and I thank God for everything. Families both here in Indiana and back in California, a place to live, friends who encourage me and keep me looking forward, food in my fridge, running water, opposable thumbs, a nice new bed someone gave me FO FREE, about a billion other things that I could probably go on for longer than any of you would care to read for. But if you are reading this now, I appreciate you and am thankful for you. I know the people who read my blog (am not thankful for Mr. Blog who named this website) and I want you to know that, to steal a line from Wicked "I know I'm who I am today because I knew you."
More than anything else, I thank God for Him being God. I thank Him for grace and mercy. For His love that enables me to love Him and others in return. For never leaving nor forsaking me. For revealing that I am nothing without Him (and I am fine with that, because I never plan to be without Him). I know that if suddenly I became like Job in the Old Testament and everything gets taken away for the rest of my life, I would have nothing but praises for Him. Thank you Father. . .  

Richard's Musical Recommendations. . .

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