Friday, October 31, 2008


So I'm sorry (to all those who care. . . . . hahahahahaha. .yeah right) that I haven't been able to post the last few days, but between school and life, things have been crazy. BUT on the upside, I recorded the greatest video in the world. BUT that was about 7 minutes long, so you will never see it. SO I made a Tribute to it about my Indiana/California family trees. SO now it is your job to get the word out (it's a give and take relationship) and tell everyone about my blog. 
Not much new news. I have not learned Thriller (see Cari's Blog) and I probably never will. .sorry Cari. . .until this weekend, Grace & Peace. . .Richard

OK some more bad news. The video I was trying to upload was about 100x the size it should have been, so thats why I couldn't get it up all day. So without ANY further ado, the video (just ignore that part about the beginning and end of the video because it isn't there. . . . .sorry)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Square One, Genesis, Origins, Beginning. . .

Well, here I am. I never thought I would do this. Years ago when Blogs (what a weird word) started I argued that I would never get one because my life was dull and boring and no one would care about my thoughts. Now times have changed. My life is just as dull and boring as it was then, and I'm still not convinced that people care about my thoughts, but something else has arisen. Something from deep within. I am at a Crossroads (literally at Crossroads Bible College and figuratively with me starting to realize what being a man really means) in my life and I need a way of getting everything out there so I can figure things out. What things to release and what to hold onto. What to pursue and what to sacrifice.
Being pretty busy right now and not being able to stop and figure out all these things at once, I will let a lot of things out here in my blog. Please feel free to comment and come on this journey with me. I don't know where this will go, but I do know that this is what I need. Feel free to pray for me, laugh at me, cry with me (I will not cry on camera, don't worry), and give me your two-cents when it is called for. 
This will be the first of many Thank You's, but I want you to know that it is heartfelt every time. .Thank you. . .

Richard's Musical Recommendations. . .

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