It's funny being home and returning to the life I have had since I was born. What is great/terrifying (depending on the situation) is how quickly you return to habits you used to have once you return to the place where you once were. I have quickly picked up on things that I used to do before I left and I like I said before, it can either be great or terrifying, depending on if they are good or bad habits.
I have been trying to realize what in my faith is essential, based on the relationship with Jesus & the Word of God, and what is based on the religion we know as Evangelicalism. As someone who was raised in a Christian home, and is back in that home again now, I'm trying to distinguish not only for myself, but also trying to help others escape religion and grab ahold of Jesus.
Where in the Bible does it say that Christians cannot consume alcohol? Where in the Bible does it say that Christians cannot wear jeans to church on Sunday? Where in the Bible does it say that Christians have to pretend that we are perfect and that we don't have problems? Where in the Bible does it say that Christians can only listen to and have to listen to contemporary Christian music? Where in the Bible does it say that Christians. . . . .(and the list goes on)?
Now I know there are principles that are set up and some things are brought up. Getting drunk is wrong. We are to give God our best. We are being transformed by the Holy Spirit in our lives and are no longer characterized by our old lives. And I have no idea about the Christian music one, but the point is, I think we have complicated the Gospel way too much.
Gospel means "good news" and it really is good and beautiful. God came down to us and, once again in the words of Mark Driscoll, "Jesus lived the life we couldn't live, died the death we should have died, and defeated our enemies of Satan, sin, and death." THAT IS BEAUTIFUL! WHAT ABOUT THAT IS NOT ABSOLUTELY AMAZING?! We are powerless to come out of it ourselves (Eph. 2) and He knew that. So what are people told now? "Get rid of all your garbage and when you are good, God'll save you." But that is a works based religion and not the good news of Jesus. He saves us where we are, but cares about us too much to let us stay there. He changes us. He changes our desires and our heart.*
I will probably consume some alcohol when it is legal (not get drunk & after I am 21). I will not come to church looking like a slob. I will not flaunt my sin, but I will not deny that I am imperfect and that God is in the process of transforming me. And with contemporary Christian music, I'll probably do all I can to avoid it if I can (because I really think it all sounds the same, as a whole). I will give up my freedoms (that Christ purchased for me) when the situation calls for it, but I will "call sinners to repent of sin and religious people to repent of religion." (<- also Mark Driscoll). . .
*NOTE* - It is not bad to set up personal boundaries so that you can more easily resist sin, but we need to realize that if it is a personal boundary, it is exactly that, personal. We should not set up unbiblical boundaries for others and expect them to obey our rules. That was the problem the Pharisees had with Jesus. . .
*2nd NOTE* - I'm not saying that there are not universal sins and wrong things. Adultery is wrong. Period. For Everyone. Murder is wrong. Period. For everyone. And the list goes on. Not talking about those thing, I'm talking about other things. I hope that clarifies. . .
P.S.- The video is completely unrelated.
This is a great post, Richard. Good thoughts.
Akward? you? NEVER!
I think there is s huge difference in conviction and well as sin and well as legalisim and conviction...I think this is some of what you were trying to say. Did you say all secular music sounds the same or contemporary christian music...I was confused. Tell your fam Hey!
Thank you Heidi!
Cari (cause I assume it's you since Andy never types on this), you are right. Be the "Barb" for my thoughts and words and things'll be great. And I think much of, not all, contemporary Christian music sounds the same. And my mom said "Hey" in return!
Seriously, Richard.
What a slacker.....
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