Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Answers. . .

So here are the answers you were looking for. I'm sorry they took so long. . .

P.S.- Cari, I will do the Tag tomorrow night. . .


Heidi Stone said...

I noticed that in all four of your videos you have a different shirt on. It's nice to know of a single guy who changes his shirt on a regular basis.

Hey, I really enjoyed you sharing on Sunday. I didn't realize you went to Crossroads. I went there for about a year after I graduated high school....ya know, before the marriage and babies started rolling in. :)

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. This is Heidi. And since I'm not entirely sure we've ever officially met anyway, I'm the one who mentioned to you after church that I loved Cari's story about you and the laundry basket. (You know, the one that she totally fabricated?)

I love the idea of a video blog. I know they exist, but I've never seen one before. Way cooler than type...although I'll admit, I got a little bit bored during those long pauses. Maybe speed things up a bit. Like run your video on FF or something. Chipmunk style maybe.

You want questions? Well, it sounds like you're going to be sharing 7 randoms about yourself which I definitely look forward to hearing. But as far as other questions go....

How do you feel about the color pink? How tall are you? What's your family life and are they in Cali? How many languages do you speak? (And yes, Pig Latin totally counts as a language.) Who are your professors? (That's really just a personal question that I'm sure your other listeners won't care about.) And finally...Do you or do you not think our SS class is the sweetest class on earth?

I look forward to the next edition of "The Life of Richard".

Andy and Cari said...

I was a little freaked out by the high, soprano-like voice you put on there inthe middle of the flick.
Do all your friends up in Marion only have one letter names?

Unknown said...

You are odd... @>}--

Andy and Cari said...

tomorrow night has come and gone...

Heidi Stone said...

I'm with Cari. You're late!!! Don't make promises you don't intend to keep!!!

Ok, I'm totally kidding. But seriously....I'm so curious.

Galadriel said...

Hey, Richard! I know, I know. I did not ask you a question last week. Shame all over my face.

Now that I've been subjected to the disgrace of being rebuked on the Internet, I'll go ahead and try to make up for it by asking a question in this late hour.

Richard, are you going to make right your wrong by babysitting the quadruplets you wished upon me?

I eagerly await your reply and the next installment of "The Life of Richard."


P.S. - Yes, you are more than welcome to use my poem anytime. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Richard's Musical Recommendations. . .

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