Wednesday, November 12, 2008

7 Brides for 7 Questions. . .

(This has absolutely nothing to do with brides or the movie 7 brides for 7 brothers, but i wanted to be creative with the name.)
My utmost apologies for 1) not getting this out last night as I said I would and 2) for it being so long. It is like reading a really really long blog except you can actually hear me saying what I say, so think of it as time getting to know me better. Here are seven things you might not have known about me (and if you did, you probably didn't know the extent of how strange the things were). Thanks


Andy and Cari said...

you killed 2 birds with 1 stone, my friend. You completed the web tag as well as took Heidi's advise to speed it up a bit! good on ya, mate.

Galadriel said...

Very nice, my friend. I definitely learned a thing or six (I knew you were a Mac geek from the day I met you). You got me all excited for your movie and book! I cannot wait to see what becomes of those. :)

Keep up the good work, buddy! I'll be back to check on The Life of Richard soon.


Lil said...

Very good, son. Very informative, yet entertaining. Keep up the good work ( but don't forget to also concentrate on your homework )!
Love you.

Heidi Stone said...

Um...I'm waiting for you to answer my questions....

*foot tapping*

Andy and Cari said...


Richard's Musical Recommendations. . .

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