Friday, November 21, 2008

Quick Note

For some reason, the audio for the video I recorded last night is gone. So it would defeat the purpose of putting it up. Since I had special commentary on it, I have to wait till I my guest comes back from school today to record it again (and I will answer Heidi Stone's and Galadriel's questions also). . My apologies. . .

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

7 Brides for 7 Questions. . .

(This has absolutely nothing to do with brides or the movie 7 brides for 7 brothers, but i wanted to be creative with the name.)
My utmost apologies for 1) not getting this out last night as I said I would and 2) for it being so long. It is like reading a really really long blog except you can actually hear me saying what I say, so think of it as time getting to know me better. Here are seven things you might not have known about me (and if you did, you probably didn't know the extent of how strange the things were). Thanks

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Answers. . .

So here are the answers you were looking for. I'm sorry they took so long. . .

P.S.- Cari, I will do the Tag tomorrow night. . .

Monday, November 3, 2008


As I explained in the video, go ahead and ask as many questions as you want and I will answer them (edited) the best that I can. Happy Questioning!

Richard's Musical Recommendations. . .

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