It's funny because I think as Western Christians we have such a skewed views of idols. We don't like talking about it, but when we do it is something that tribal groups bow to. We don't think about how most living rooms are set up around the tv and everyday we sit and worship our TV for hours. We don't see that we worship money. We call it the American Dream, but it can definitely be a form of idolatry.
Mine started out pure. I bought a laptop a year and a half ago. I used it a lot. Slowly, over time, it began to consume more and more of my time. I justified it by saying that it had become my hub where I store everything: address book, calendar, I chat with my friends, I design things on here, I watch countless Mark Driscoll sermons, movies, homework, my portal back to SF, all my 40 GB of music, and everything else. I have bibles and (via internet) access to endless commentaries. None of these things are bad, but I would spend hours sitting here and then at the end of the day I could not remember anything I accomplished.
Anyway, God, very quickly, gave me a better perspective on the situation and used some friends. They were talking to me about being open handed with God's stuff that He is letting me be the steward of.
So yeah, there we go. As I said before, I will update you guys on school and work later, but here is just an example of God's grace. Adios. . .